Let me introduce myself, and my crazy life. I have a two year old daughter who is the most brilliant and frustrating and wonderful person I have ever met in my life. I am expecting Number 2 any day now (literally) and am somehow more frightened of Number 2 than I was of Number 1. I have an incredibly supportive, yet also frustrating, boyfriend, who in the nearly 10 years we’ve been together has had far more faith in me than I have ever had in myself. I have a huge extended family, who I love dearly and wouldn’t trade away for anything, although I have considered it occasionally. I work full time as an events reporter at one of the most popular radio stations in Canada, and I am going to University part time to complete a Psychology Degree. I should finish school about the time my daughter hits middle school. Add to all of this a massive renovation project that we’ve just bought and can’t even move into because it needs too much work before it’s acceptable for the kids. Crazy life achieved successfully.
So why would you care who I am? I am no expert on life, or anything really, except that I try to pull as many lessons out of my days as I possibly can. I don’t have a perfect life or perfect children or perfect balance, or really anything perfect in my life. What I do have is the awareness that sometimes imperfect is far better than perfect, whether it comes to getting my hands dirty with my kid(s), having a mostly undisturbed evening alone with my hubby, finding the best paint colour for that wall, or dealing with the many extraordinary issues and surprises that are thrown at me daily. Perfection is over rated. Life is fun, and even though I do take it seriously (sometimes too much so) I know that without laughter it would all mean nothing.
Sometimes, I’ll write about parenting and what works for me. Sometimes, I’ll let you in on my relationships with my hubby and others that I care about. Sometimes, I may just need to rant about life in the middle of a whole home renovation project. But, I hope, through all of it, I’ll keep my sense of humour and my sanity intact. Hopefully, along this ride, I will be able to find and share some insights into life as I live it, and somewhere along the way, as you do too. Hopefully, I’ll be able to help you, and me, appreciate the lives we’ve chosen as parents and just simply as people trying to get the most out of this crazy experience called life. Stay tuned… things are about to get wild.